

Fear of cancer is tragic, cancer prevents people from taking the quick easy, inexpensive steps that can detect it early when it is most treatable, says Dr. Harmon Eyre, M.D., Chief of American Cancer Society.
But a lot of cancer is preventable and treatable. Scientists working for the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) from nine universities in four countries analyzed available information about cancer and published their findings in a report called Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer. The summary of the report was published in British Medical Journal by a professor in Oxford University. (more)
Each year, approximately 2.4 million people more than half under age 6 swallow or have contact with a poisonous substance. As poison prevention, and appropriate, immediate treatment to poison contact or ingestion, are critical to keeping your child safe, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has some important tips. Please feel free to excerpt these tips or use them in their entirety for any print or broadcast story, with acknowledgement of source. (more)

War is a horrid thing and I'm certain people everywhere have great empathy for those in the thick of it, over in Iraq. However, new information suggests that the war might be affecting the world beyond the stress and emotional toll, and of course the financial cost of such a participation. There may be enough fallout pollution from the bombing in Iraq, to be causing problems on a global to title to read more

I read a report recently that said most people with a serious health condition like diabetes or heart disease can be taking up to a dozen different prescription drugs at once. That is a lot of chemicals! click to title to read more

A new national health study funded by the NH&MRC, industry and state governments released today by the International Diabetes Institute in Melbourne shows diabetes is hitting up to 275 new victims each day throughout to title to read more

Content provided by Tom Venuto, Bodybuilder Extraordinaire. This is copyrighted material, all rights reserved by author. Tom's Website: Burn The Fat Note from Neva: I'm a big proponent of organic foods and also grass fed beef. However, I'm very concerned with recent legislation that would relax restrictions on what can be called organic. I would suggest buying from well-established organic companies with long, unblemished to title to read more

Every breath you take.... Would you knowingly breathe formaldehyde? How about pesticides or toxins like sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, mercury, cadmium, benzene, lead, ammonia or mold? Well, chances are, you are breathing at least some of those chemicals every day, in your own home. For examples, acrylic and enamel paints contain a lot of the chemicals just mentioned. This article is about creating a more toxin-free living to title to read more

Some herbal remedies are, quite frankly, useless. If the herbs are not processed correctly, they may lose all natural potency. So, the first thing I would ask is if you got your herbal remedies from a reputable company, known for good practices in harvesting and processing herbs? The second question I would have is how long you took the herbal remedies which you feel did not work for you?click to title to read mor

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